Add IR-Codes for ventilator #2

timo wants to merge 1 commit from timo/netz39-ir-blaster:feat/ventilator into main

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@ -55,14 +55,138 @@ button:
- platform: template
name: "Ventilator An/Aus"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_pronto:
data: "0000 006D 0018 0000 002E 0013 002E 0013 000E 0034 002D 0013 002E 0013 000E 0034 000D 0034 000D 0034 000D 0034 000D 0034 000D 0034 002E 0117 002E 0013 002E 0013 000E 0034 002E 0013 002E 0013 000E 0034 000D 0034 000D 0034 000D 0034 000D 0034 000D 0034 002E 0181 06C3"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [1212, -473, 1214, -470, 372, -1313, 1217, -473, 1214, -470, 374, -1312, 380, -1314, 370, -1310, 378, -1309, 374, -1314, 373, -1313, 1217, -7222, 1212, -475, 1212, -469, 378, -1310, 1222, -464, 1224, -466, 371, -1316, 371, -1314, 372, -1315,372, -1313, 374, -1312, 374, -1319, 1211, -7217, 1291, -397, 1218, -467, 376, -1310, 1293, -394, 1217, -470, 377, -1309, 380, -1307, 373, -1314, 373, -1314, 447, -1240, 372, -1312, 1221, -7214, 1218, -468, 1216, -471, 373, -1315, 1215, -470, 1216,-470, 375, -1315, 370, -1313, 373, -1287, 401, -1313, 372, -1320, 367, -1317, 1213]
times: 5
wait_time: 16ms
carrier_frequency: 38kHz
- platform: template
name: "Ventilator Oscil"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [1215, -470, 1223, -463, 375, -1312, 1217, -469, 1223, -465, 372, -1314, 373, -1320, 1210, -470, 373, -1314, 373, -1314, 377, -1309, 372, -8061, 1218, -468, 1217, -475, 369, -1312, 1216, -477, 1210, -470, 373, -1313, 373, -1314, 1218, -468,375, -1312, 374, -1313, 372, -1317, 370, -8061, 1215, -473, 1215, -468, 373, -1314, 1216, -475, 1212, -470, 373, -1313, 374, -1313, 1217, -470, 378, -1308, 373, -1313, 374, -1313, 373, -8060, 1221, -470, 1212, -470, 379, -1309, 1215, -470, 1219, -467,374, -1314, 372, -1314, 1216, -472, 371, -1315, 377, -1309, 374, -1311, 375, -8059, 1216, -470, 1216, -470, 374, -1313, 1218, -468, 1217, -470, 373, -1313, 376, -1312, 1216, -470, 373, -1316, 370, -1313, 373, -1314, 373, -8065, 1212, -473, 1217, -466,379, -1310, 1214, -471, 1216, -470, 378, -1308, 373, -1315, 1216, -475, 367, -1316, 371, -1313, 374, -1313, 377]
times: 5
wait_time: 16ms
carrier_frequency: 38kHz
- platform: template
name: "Ventilator Speed"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [1220, -468, 1215, -469, 377, -1317, 1212, -468, 1217, -444, 399, -1316, 371, -1313, 376, -1311, 373, -1314, 373, -1314, 1216, -470, 374, -8060, 1217, -469, 1222, -464, 374, -1313, 1224, -463, 1217, -476, 370, -1317, 370, -1317, 366, -1317,370, -1290, 396, -1314, 1220, -466, 373, -8060, 1222, -465, 1216, -469, 374, -1312, 1218, -469, 1218, -468, 374, -1313, 381, -1306, 377, -1309, 374, -1320, 370, -1310, 1216, -471, 373, -8060, 1215, -470, 1216, -445, 398, -1317, 1213, -476, 1212, -468,376, -1311, 372, -1313, 374, -1312, 374, -1314, 380, -1309, 1213, -470, 374]
times: 5
wait_time: 16ms
carrier_frequency: 38kHz
- platform: template
name: "Ventilator Mode"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [1217, -473, 1213, -475, 368, -1292, 1238, -470, 1217, -474, 374, -1310, 373, -1315, 371, -1319, 371, -1310, 1216, -471, 373, -1313, 373, -8062, 1215, -471, 1223, -465, 374, -1313, 1215, -471, 1214, -471, 373, -1313, 379, -1308, 373, -1321,367, -1319, 1210, -470, 374, -1320, 370, -8064, 1208, -470, 1220, -467, 373, -1290, 1241, -469, 1217, -470, 373, -1314, 372, -1314, 373, -1314, 373, -1320, 1210, -471, 372, -1316, 371, -8060, 1216, -473, 1214, -471, 372, -1313, 1217, -475, 1211, -470,373, -1318, 369, -1314, 372, -1316, 371, -1313, 1217, -470, 378, -1317, 371]
times: 5
wait_time: 16ms
carrier_frequency: 38kHz
- platform: template
name: "MultisyncX401S Taste 0"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [7910, -4019, 448, -546, 449, -545, 448, -1540, 448, -545, 449, -1540, 448, -1540, 449, -1540, 453, -1534, 448, -4030, 456, -537, 451, -1536, 450, -545, 449, -545, 450, -1538, 449, -547, 447, -546, 448, -545, 450]
times: 5
wait_time: 16ms
carrier_frequency: 38kHz
- platform: template
name: "MultisyncX401S Taste 1"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [7903, -4024, 453, -542, 450, -521, 470, -1545, 443, -547, 448, -1538, 450, -1539, 449, -1543, 445, -1539, 448, -4030, 447, -551, 444, -544, 449, -545, 449, -1541, 447, -547, 447, -547, 447, -545, 449, -546, 451]
times: 5
wait_time: 16ms
carrier_frequency: 38kHz
- platform: template
name: "MultisyncX401S Taste 2"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [7901, -4024, 454, -546, 445, -543, 449, -1539, 449, -527, 469, -1537, 451, -1538, 448, -1545, 443, -1542, 445, -4029, 448, -1540, 448, -546, 449, -544, 450, -1539, 453, -541, 451, -542, 449, -546, 450, -543, 450]
times: 5
wait_time: 16ms
carrier_frequency: 38kHz
- platform: template
name: "MultisyncX401S Taste 3"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [7957, -3970, 502, -493, 501, -493, 502, -1491, 500, -494, 497, -1491, 496, -1487, 501, -1486, 511, -1477, 500, -3977, 501, -493, 502, -1487, 503, -490, 501, -1487, 501, -494, 500, -492, 502, -493, 501, -493, 501]
times: 5
wait_time: 16ms
carrier_frequency: 38kHz
- platform: template
name: "MultisyncX401S Taste 4"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [7905, -4023, 475, -522, 445, -547, 447, -1540, 448, -546, 448, -1541, 447, -1541, 472, -1516, 472, -1518, 445, -4028, 449, -1540, 474, -1514, 448, -546, 448, -1545, 469, -520, 476, -517, 449, -546, 448, -546, 472]
times: 5
wait_time: 16ms
carrier_frequency: 38kHz
- platform: template
name: "MultisyncX401S Taste 5"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [7901, -4021, 473, -520, 449, -545, 474, -1514, 449, -546, 451, -1537, 453, -1534, 454, -1535, 448, -1540, 448, -4028, 449, -546, 448, -545, 449, -1539, 449, -1539, 449, -545, 449, -545, 449, -546, 448, -545, 449]
times: 5
wait_time: 16ms
carrier_frequency: 38kHz
- platform: template
name: "MultisyncX401S Taste 6"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [7903, -4024, 450, -544, 449, -544, 477, -1512, 451, -545, 473, -1513, 449, -1538, 451, -1538, 450, -1538, 449, -4027, 451, -1538, 449, -545, 452, -1536, 472, -1515, 449, -546, 455, -538, 449, -545, 450, -545, 450]
times: 5
wait_time: 16ms
carrier_frequency: 38kHz
- platform: template
name: "MultisyncX401S Taste 7"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [7903, -4024, 448, -546, 448, -549, 446, -1543, 444, -546, 448, -1540, 448, -1540, 448, -1543, 451, -1538, 444, -4028, 449, -545, 453, -1541, 444, -1539, 448, -1541, 447, -531, 463, -546, 448, -545, 449, -546, 453]
times: 5
wait_time: 16ms
carrier_frequency: 38kHz
- platform: template
name: "MultisyncX401S Taste 8"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [7904, -4024, 448, -546, 449, -547, 446, -1539, 449, -546, 448, -1544, 446, -1539, 447, -1540, 449, -1540, 447, -4031, 450, -1540, 444, -1540, 448, -1539, 449, -1540, 448, -547, 447, -547, 448, -544, 449, -545, 449]
times: 5
wait_time: 16ms
carrier_frequency: 38kHz
- platform: template
name: "MultisyncX401S Taste 9"
- remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
code: [7904, -4024, 449, -545, 448, -545, 450, -1540, 447, -546, 449, -1539, 448, -1547, 442, -1539, 448, -1540, 526, -3951, 448, -546, 448, -548, 446, -545, 449, -546, 448, -1541, 449, -547, 445, -549, 445, -545, 450]
times: 5
wait_time: 16ms
carrier_frequency: 38kHz
number: GPIO2
inverted: True
dump: all
dump: raw
# Change to dump: all to see all protocols, use dump: raw to see raw codes
pin: GPIO04