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Ansible configuration for the Netz39 infrastructure

This call lists all hosts defined in the inventory:

ansible -i inventory.yml all --list-hosts


ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Call with

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml --ask-vault-pass main.yml

You need to provide a user with sudo rights and the vault password.

HTTPS ingress configuration

HTTPS ingress is controlled by the server holmium and forwarded to the configured servers.

To set up a new HTTPS vhost, the following steps need to be taken:

  1. Select a domain (for internal services we use sub-domains of
  2. Create an external CNAME from this domain to
  3. Create an internal DNS entry in the Descartes DNS config. This is usually an alias on an existing server.
  4. Add the entry to the holmium playbook.
  5. Set up Dehydrated and vhost on the target host, e.g. using setup_http_site_proxy.

Do not forget to execute all playbooks with relevant changes.