#!/bin/bash git checkout main > /dev/null git pull origin main || exit 1 # If no argument is supplied ask for the date of the next Stammtisch if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "When is the next Stammtisch? (YYYY-MM-DD)" read date else date=$1 echo "Using date $date" fi # Parse the date year=$(echo $date | cut -d'-' -f1) month=$(echo $date | cut -d'-' -f2) day=$(echo $date | cut -d'-' -f3) dow=$(date -d $date +%A) Month=$(date -d $date +%B) root_dir=`git rev-parse --show-toplevel` filename="$year-$month-${day}_softwerke_stammtisch.md" # Create a new branch. delete it if it already exists git branch -D "events/$filename" > /dev/null 2>&1 git checkout -b "events/$filename" > /dev/null || exit 1 # Create the new file cat > "$root_dir/_events/$year/$filename" <<EOF --- layout: event title: "Softwerke-Stammtisch" event: start: ${date} 19:30:00 end: ${date} 21:30:00 author: softwerke --- Am ${dow} den ${day#"${day%%[!0]*}"}. ${Month} ${year} findet der Stammtisch der Softwerke Magdeburg e. V. bei uns im Space statt! EOF # Add the file to git git add "$root_dir/_events/$year/$filename" || exit 1 # Commit the file git commit -m "Add event for $date" || exit 1