# Called by "git commit" with no arguments.
# The hook should run gulp to optimize assets.
# Will exit with non-zero status if it wants to stop the commit.

: << 'END' # Ancillary code to ensure environment before running gulp
# If it's on the right directory, proceed. Else, try to fix it. If fail, abort commit.
if [ ${PWD##*/} != "lib" ] ; then
    cd lib || exit 1

# If gulp is intalled and gulpfile.js is present, then proceed. Else, abort commit.
if ! [ -f "gulpfile.js" ] || ! command -v gulp; then  
    printf "gulpfile.js not found or gulp-cli not installed!\n"
    exit 1

# If there are non-staged assets, abort commit.
if git status --porcelain | grep -E '^(\?\?|AM|\nM).*assets/.*$' >/dev/null; then
    printf "There are non-staged assets, be sure to run gulp before commiting changes!\n"
    exit 1

# Proceed with the commit.
exit 0