--- layout: post title: Markdown and HTML tags: [Katex, Markdown] author: rohanchandra categories: Syntax --- Jekyll supports the use of [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) with inline HTML tags which makes it easier to quickly write posts with Jekyll, without having to worry too much about text formatting. A sample of the formatting follows. ## Table of content * TOC {:toc} * You need to put this at the beginning of the page where you want the table of content to be displayed ```html * TOC {:toc} ``` It will then render the markdown and html titles (lines that begins with `#` or using the `

` tages) ## Title ### Subtitle Tables have also been extended from Markdown: | First Header | Second Header | |--------------|---------------| | Content Cell | Content Cell | | Content Cell | Content Cell | Here's an example of an image, which is included using Markdown: ![Image of a glass on a book]({{ "/assets/img/pexels/book-glass.jpeg" | relative_url }}) This is another example of list: - list of things 1. Sub list 2. of Other things 3. with numbers - And many more - Sub sub list - can go on ... - and on ... - and on ! - That's it. ### Other subtitle Highlighting for code in Jekyll is done using Base16 or Rouge. This theme makes use of Rouge by default. {% highlight js %} // count to ten for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { console.log(i); } // count to twenty var j = 0; while (j < 20) { j++; console.log(j); } {% endhighlight %} ### Math Type on Strap uses KaTeX to display maths. Equations such as $$S_n = a \times \frac{1-r^n}{1-r}$$ can be displayed inline. Alternatively, they can be shown on a new line: $$ f(x) = \int \frac{2x^2+4x+6}{x-2} $$ And in your markdown file: ```markdown $$ f(x) = \int \frac{2x^2+4x+6}{x-2} $$ ``` ### Expandable content Click on the expandable content to display it:
Click here! Now you see me
And in your markdown file: ```html
Click here! Now you see me