/* TYPE_ON_STRAP Main style sheet */

/* Variables */
// All the options to customize your theme in one file
@import 'base/variables';

/* External */
// CSS from external sources
@import 'external/reset';
@import 'external/font-awesome';
@import 'external/pacifico';
@import 'external/katex';
@import 'external/source-sans-pro';

/* Base */
// For general CSS in the theme
@import 'base/global';
@import 'base/highlight';
@import 'base/utility';

/* Includes */
// Linked with the html in the _includes folder
@import 'includes/post_nav';
@import 'includes/footer';
@import 'includes/navbar';
@import 'includes/share_buttons';
@import 'includes/blog_nav';
@import 'includes/gallery';
@import 'includes/portfolio';

/* Posts */
// Linked with the html in the _layouts folder
@import 'layouts/posts';
@import 'layouts/categories';
@import 'layouts/blog';
@import 'layouts/page';
@import 'layouts/tags';
@import 'layouts/search';

/* Tables */
@import 'pages/07_spenden';



In the case you want to add your own style on top of the type-on-strap one.
You can add a custom scss file using:

@import 'custom';

Put it right after this comment for your changes to be applied over the default style.
(Once it processed into the assets/css/main.css by Jekyll at run time)

Then create your _custom.scss right next to type-on-strap.scss and add in it all
of the unique scss that your blog needs.
