# Documentation: https://www.gitpod.io/docs/references/gitpod-yml image: gitpod/workspace-full # Task(s) tasks: - before: | gem install bundle bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle' init: | bundle update bundle install - name: Run type on strap init: bundle install command: bundle exec jekyll serve # In case the user is trying to make a pull request, he needs GitLens, which by default is not installed. This code will help us install it. vscode: extensions: - eamodio.gitlens # Ports configuration, since Gitpod needs to open Type on Strap on a new tab when the server loads up. ports: - port: 4000 onOpen: open-browser # For opening workspaces faster than ever, prebuilds are suggested github: prebuilds: # enable for the master/default branch (defaults to true) master: true # enable for all branches in this repo (defaults to false) branches: false # enable for pull requests coming from this repo (defaults to true) pullRequests: true # enable for pull requests coming from forks (defaults to false) pullRequestsFromForks: true # add a "Review in Gitpod" button as a comment to pull requests (defaults to true) addComment: false # add a "Review in Gitpod" button to pull requests (defaults to false) addBadge: true # add a label once the prebuild is ready to pull requests (defaults to false) addLabel: prebuilt