# SITE CONFIGURATION baseurl: "/" url: "https://www.netz39.de" # BOARD MEMBERS board: chair: name: "Maximilian Grau" wiki: "mg-95" deputy: name: "Timo Herrmann" wiki: "timo" # THEME-SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION title: Netz39 e.V. # site's title description: "Magdeburger Hackerspace" # used by search engines avatar: assets/img/logo/netz39-logo-final.svg # Empty for no avatar in navbar favicon: assets/img/logo/netz39-logo-icon.svg # Icon displayed in the tab # Header and footer text header_text: Netz39 e.V. — ein Hackerspace für Magdeburg und Umgebung # Change Blog header text header_feature_image: assets/img/header/bg-featured-1.jpg header_feature_image_responsive: true footer_text: > Powered by <a href="https://jekyllrb.com/">Jekyll</a> with <a href="https://github.com/sylhare/Type-on-Strap">Type on Strap</a> # Show share_buttons share_buttons: false # Blog excerpt: true # Or "truncate" (first 250 characters), "false" to disable post_navigation: true color_image: /assets/img/lineart.png # A bit transparent for color posts. # Features # More in the _data folder for share buttons, author and language # For layout customization, go to the "_sass > base" folder, and check "_variables.scss" katex: true # Enable if using math markup mermaid: default # Enable mermaid-js for diagrams, use theme: base, forest, dark, default, neutral google_analytics: # Tracking ID, e.g. "UA-000000-01" cookie_consent: false # To respect the usage of cookies color_theme: auto # auto, dark or light # Comments comments: disqus_shortname: # Your discus shortname for comments cusdis_app_id: # Your cusdis data-app-id utterances: # Enable by filling below information. For more info, go to https://utteranc.es repo: # your public comments repository (e.g. owner/repo) issue-term: # Issue term (e.g. "comment" consider issues with this word in the title as comments) # PAGINATION paginate: 8 paginate_path: "/blog/page:num" # PORTFOLIO collections: portfolio: output: true permalink: /:collection/:name events: output: true permalink: /events/:path title: Events # BUILD SETTINGS sass: style: compressed plugins: [jekyll-paginate, jekyll-seo-tag, jekyll-feed] exclude: [".jekyll-cache", ".jekyll-metadata", ".idea", "vendor/*", "assets/node_modules/*", "README.md", "docker-compose.yml", "Gemfile", "type-on-strap.gemspec", "tools"] # theme: type-on-strap # if using the theme as a jekyll theme gem remote_theme: sylhare/Type-on-Strap # If using as a remote_theme in github